Hiawatha Public Library
Today's hours
We're open 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Tomorrow's hours
We're open 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Mon, Feb 03 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Tue, Feb 04 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Wed, Feb 05 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Thu, Feb 06 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Fri, Feb 07 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Feb 08 | 10:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Feb 09 | 1:00PM to 4:00PM |
Below is a list of some common questions we are asked. If you have a question that is not answered here Contact Us
We welcome any Linn County resident or residents in other Iowa communities that participate in Open Access to fill out an application online for a library account. You may place materials on hold with the temporary number you'll be provided after submitting the application. (E.g. PACREG123456)
You will get a library card with full privileges to check out materials or use our online resources once you have visited us in person to complete the registration.
Your pin is a 4-digit number that would have been set up when you got your library card. If you are unsure what this pin is or wish to change it, call us and we can assist you with resetting your 4-digit pin/password. You may also select “Forgot your password?” when logging in to the catalog.
Your library card expires every three years. The purpose is to prompt making sure that all information on the account is up to date. To reactivate your card, give us a call and verify that the info we have on your account is accurate. The next time you check out library materials you will be asked to show a valid ID or proof of address. To check your library card expiration date, you can log into the online catalog, click on "My Account" then go to "My Record" and the expiration date will be displayed under your name.
An account that is blocked or barred may have fees or the address on the account needs to be verified. Contact us to discuss your account.
Contact us to discuss your account.
Yes. There are no requirements to use our WiFi.
Once logged in to your account, click on "Contact Information and Preferences", scroll down to the bottom right and click on the dropdown menu for "Preferred pickup location" to change the location. Click "Submit Change Request". You may also call us and we can do this for you.
You will receive a notice via your preferred method of contact when your hold is available. You can be notified through phone, email, or text. To check the status of your holds or change your preferred contact, log into the online catalog and click on “My Account”. You can view and manage your holds by clicking on the “Requests” tab.
The time it takes for your hold to arrive varies depending on where the item is being shipped from and if there is a waiting list.
Pending: There is a copy of the item you placed on hold available and we are working on getting it for you.
Active: There are currently no available copies of the item you placed on hold but you are in line for one once it does become available. You can see also your place in the Queue line.
Shipped: A copy was not available at the selected Pick-Up library and has been sent in from one of the other libraries within the Metro Library Network. It will be available within the next couple business days.
Held: Your item is ready to be picked up!
Canceled: This status can mean two things. Either the hold was manually canceled or that a Held item's pick-up time limit (10 days from when you were notified) was reached and was sent back or on to the next person in line. Canceled holds can be Reactivated to put you back in the queue.
You can renew your materials by:
We have tutorials located on our eLibrary page that can help you with most questions on our digital media.
If you need help with downloading materials from our catalog, you can call us for assistance to walk you through the process or to set up a time to sit with a staff member at the library to help you in person.
150 W. Willman St.
Hiawatha, IA 52233
(319) 393-1414
Monday - Thursday
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 5 pm
10 am - 5 pm
1 pm - 4 pm
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